Systems vs neurodivergent

The Systems are the Problem

You are NOT broken!

You do NOT need to be fixed!

If you are Neurodivergent, always (ALWAYS) remember it isn’t you that is the problem. The systems in the world around you were not built with you in mind.  The Systems are the problem

At ENCC we will work with you to help you discover your strengths and build your confidence and self-awareness for you to grow and thrive. 

You’ve heard the expression “square box, round hole’.  Society’s Systems have been created without proper measurements for shapes and sizes, without insight, without accommodations for differences, without inclusion. Those Systems don’t work for the neurodivergent individual. 

My World vs the Systems


Being neurodivergent means you are always up against systems not designed for us making it an ongoing challenge and up-hill battle

As a neurodiverse person I have always struggled with systems. Historically, they have been designed to suppress and discourage people like me. While many companies, organizations and individuals have recognized this and attempt to do better, there is a lot of bias entrenched . This can be hard for people to hear as most people aren’t intentionally trying to suppress and exclude neurodivergent people. Unfortunately, this often results in defensiveness and an inability to reflect on what biases remain. For me, this left me feeling unsupported, unseen and invalidated

I Was Headed for Burnout

In the last few months of 2024, I knew I was headed for burnout, and that terrified me. I love my passion, my ability to educate and help people feel comfortable and confident being exactly who they are. The thought of losing that was crippling. I was also specifically working in therapy on not compartmentalizing and actually connecting with my emotions. So not only did I feel crippled, my mind was aware and connected to it.

As I was connecting with myself, I was increasingly feeling like this world just wasn't meant for me.

Over the Christmas break, I was having an emotional conversation with my sister about just this. I was crying, talking about systems, and commented on the world not being built for me. Without hesitation, she jumped right in to remind me 

“this world was built for us, it’s the systems that weren’t”. 

She wasn’t even finished when her words smacked the life back into me.

This World Was Built For US

Even though we don’t always see it or feel it, this world was meant for us.

It is my goal to help others know this too. 
Hence, the creation of  ENCC (Emergent Neurodivergents Coaching and Consulting).

Sarah Skeard
Founder, ENCC

If you are Neurodivergent, don’t be discouraged. We will work side-by-side with you, exploring possibilities and options, helping you find what works best for you to succeed.

We provide personal 1:1 coaching and academic tutoring for emerging neurovergents.  We also provide training workshops for familes and professionials helping them understand neurodiversity and learn how to navigate and support.  

Personal Coaching

January 13, 2025

Website Launch

ENCC Emergent Neurodivergents Coaching

Welcome to ENCC

ENCC is proud to be supporting neurodiversity in Cumberland County, Nova Scotia, and throughout Atlantic Canada.

Explore the website, take a look at our services, then reach out using the Contact page!

We look forward to connecting with you

Frequently Asked Questions

Does ENCC provide counselling services?

ENCC offers Neurodiversity Coaching.  We do not provide counselling.  We are complementary to, not a replacement for, psychological services.

What is Neurodiversity Coaching?

Neurodiversity coaching is the process of a trained professional working with a neurodivergent person to help them understand their differences and strengths and discover the specific tools that are best suited to help the person thrive, not just survive. Both coach and client are inextricable in the process as, together, they develop strategies for growth and success.

Do I Need a Medical Diagnosis?

No diagnosis or referral is necessary for coaching sessions with ENCC. Anybody can arrange a session with me.

We work with YOU not a diagnosis.

Do You Follow a Specific Program?

Our approach and coaching content is designed with you, for you.  Whether you need to learn math, design personalised, neurodivergent friendly strategies to help you get things done in the workplace or at home, completely re-imagine your career, or anything in between, we can work together in a timeframe to suit you.

How Long Will It Take?

The time required the help you make a meaningful difference in your daily life depends on your needs and your goals. Every client is unique and our focus is on YOU. It isn’t about a quick fix but about long lasting changes. We’ll start with the basics to understand you better. Then, the coaching begins. Many coaching agreements will last for 3-6 months. You will determine when you are ready to fly on your own and whether or not you want more time.

How Much Will It Cost

With the exception of the initial consultation, each coaching session is an hour long. The hourly cost will be negotiated depending on your needs.  The number of sessions you will need depends on you.  Payment is due in advance through EMT. Click HERE to find out more about our pricing.

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